Monetary Donations

Donations to The Wish Project go right back into the community.

Recurring Donation Benefits

If you are able to donate on a regular basis, you help to sustain us. You make it possible for us to be visionary about our mission, while still knowing we can meet our monthly expenses. You can donate monthly or twice a month or more via check or by credit card. By giving monthly recurring donations, you become a valued supporter of The Wish Project.

Donate Directly Through Our Website

Make your monetary donation by credit card directly through our website.

To Donate via Cash or Check

You may make a cash donation in person at the warehouse at

166 Middlesex St.
North Chelmsford, MA

You may make a donation by check payable to: The Wish Project

and mail to

The Wish Project
PO Box 8693
Lowell, MA 01853

Payroll Deductions & Gift Matching Programs

You can check with your employer about the following options for making donations:
Some companies have their own Charitable Giving campaigns, and employees are able to specify the charity of their choice. You can have donations deducted directly from your pay and sent to The Wish Project by them. Please check with your HR department about this option.

Many companies have Matching Gift Programs and will match your personal donations with a donation of their own. Some match dollar for dollar, or a portion of every dollar. Your HR department would be your resource for this information.

Some companies honor their employees by giving to the employee’s specified favorite charity. You can name The Wish Project as your charity to be honored in your name.

Federal government employees are able to contribute via payroll deduction to the Combined Federal Campaign. The Wish Project is one of the charities included in their program. You can designate that your charitable contributions go to The Wish Project.