Mother’s Day Gift Bags
March 25, 2025-April 26, 2025
Many of the women we help have suffered a life altering crisis and struggle to make a better life for themselves and their families. A gift of one of our Mother’s Day gift bags is a reminder to moms that they deserve to take care of themselves as well.
The Wish Project partners with hundreds of social workers from many local agencies including: Anne Sullivan, MSPCC, South Bay, Clarendon and others to distribute our project goods.
Got a question?
How can you help
• Donate $50 to sponsor a bag.
• Donate complete bags
• Donate individual items for bags and we will assemble the bag for you.
Items Needed
Pair of white socks/slipper socks
Bath salts/bath bombs
Body wash
Women’s razors/shaving cream
Adult coloring books and colored pencils
Lip balm/chapstick
$5 gift cards (Dunkin’, drug store, grocery store, etc)
Nail polish/remover
Small notebook (or journal)